Amid a new pandemic with COVID-19, AHF continues its timely World AIDS Day theme for 2021 — “AIDS: The Other Pandemic."
While the world must continue fighting COVID-19, we cannot forget about HIV/AIDS, a pandemic that has raged for more than 30 years and remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases in history.
On World AIDS Day, AHF invites you to search the countries below and find one of the many virtual or live events near you. Join us in person or online to help ensure the world never forgets about “AIDS: The Other Pandemic!”
Domestic Events - Agenda

California, Art Exhibition
November 29th
4905 Hollywood Blvd (OTC Hollywood)
Live Event, with Art Pieces and Performance.
To learn more about annual events visit AHFevents.org
2021 Global Events - Agenda
December 1, 2021 Addis Ababa Virtual To celebrate, AHF Ethiopia will conduct a TV Talk Show with Senior Experts with the theme AIDS The Forgotten Pandemic Looking For HIV Testing in Ethiopia? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Nairobi and Mombasa Counties TBA The activity aims to target HIV high risk populations including young people, adult men and key populations in 3 counties of Kenya. Looking For HIV Testing in Kenya? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Lilongwe Live The WAD commemoration will be held in Chikwawa at Ngabu where we have one of the largest number of patients in Malawi. It will be a restricted number of participants according to the prevailing National restrictions. A radio program at one of the local radio station will be conducted where people will be discuss on the WAD theme. The radio on discussion will be conducted by MOH personnel from the District and Regional Office. Looking For HIV Testing in Malawi? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Abuja, Benue, Kogi, Anambra, Cross River, Akwa Ibom and Nasarawa Live/ Radio Nigeria's 2021 WAD is mainly anchored on radio programming. We are having our Girls Act Chapter in Abuja host an outreach event in Abuja while an AYP at an outdoor event, and is also slated for the Nasarawa state University, Keffi. These two events shall combine HTS and condom distribution aside the facility testing campaigns that will take place across our states during this period. On the radio programming, each state shall put a team together for live radio appearances across select radio stations to educate the people and create awareness in an interactive manner while the jingle will run simultaneously and extend beyond the World AIDS Day activities. Looking For HIV Testing in Nigeria? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Kigali Live AHF plans to join the National Celebration on on December 31st . There will be a Live Concert featuring popular artist. The artist shows will be interspaced with live discussions and debates. The young people, AHF, social activist and Ministry of Health will have live interviews. Topics for discussions will be HIV Prevention, not forgetting the importance of ART adherence and viral load suppression. The video of the event will be shared with one of the popular TVs in Rwanda to air the event. Looking For HIV Testing in Rwanda? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 BO TBA This year's WASD event will be youth led! This activity is aimed at expanding the knowledge of adolescent boys and girls on sexuality and HIV/AIDS & also to raise awareness about youth advocacy. Key activities include quiz, distribution of gift items to young boys and girls, wall of voices, health education and empowerment on advocacy, motivational session and other fun activities. Looking For HIV Testing in Sierra Leone? Find HIV Center
Friday 26 - Monday 30th November, 2021 Kampala, Masaka and Soroti Live/ Radio This is a youth led WAD commemoration. In style, the youth will conduct vehicle drives across the three regions using youth composed songs and poems. They will reach out to youth locations in the Cities of Masaka, Soroti and Kampala including Makerere University. In Kampala, NBS will provide the outreach van and will share the event widely on youth popular media including Next Radio, Sanyuka TV and other social platforms. Lastly 20 youth from the 4 main regions of the country will have a dialogue with 30 Members of Parliament on 26th November to voice their concerns and proposals to halt HIV in the country. The outcome will inform HIV/Youth-focused policy development and review. Looking For HIV Testing in Uganda? Find HIV Center
17th, 23rd & 26th November Kwaluseni, Manzini Region TBA TBA Looking For HIV Testing in Eswatini? Find HIV Center
December 2, 2021 Manzini Live Celebration with Maseru City Council within Maseru district. The march will have start at Borokhoanenng to Thamae Health Centre with both employee and clients on ART at the facility including residence of the Thamae village for demand creation. Looking For HIV Testing in Lesotho? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Maputo city Live Participation in Government central celebration of AIDS Word day. AHF will be part of the march with cycling academy and school youth corner. Looking For HIV Testing in Mozambique? Find HIV Center
November 16 - December 04, 2021 EC and Gauteng, KZN TBA World AIDS Day is commemorated each year on the 1st of December and is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and remember those who have died. This year's WAD will have to be celebrated under different circumstances as we also battle against COVID-19. Looking For HIV Testing in South Africa? Find HIV Center
November 29 - December 1, 2021 Livingstone Live The AHF Zambia will collaborate with MoH and other partners such as PPAZ as well as Zambian artists in commemorating the 2021 World AIDS Day. The AHF will reach the youth, commercial sex workers and immigrant workers with HIV testing and treatment services through satellite activities from the 29th November to 1st December 2021. Activities will include a radio dialogue, moonlight activity at a select bar or dining place and a music concert. With the help of music artists, AHF will disseminate key messages on HIV testing, treatment and care. Radio spots and fliers will be other modes of disseminating key messages. The AHF targets to test 6, 904 people across 4 districts of Mufulira, Kitwe, Kabwe, Lusaka and Livingstone with the main event being in Livingstone. AHF will use wellness activities of malaria, blood pressure, blood sugar, weight and height checks as a platform for people to also access HIV testing and treatment services. Leaders and partner organizations will also be reminded that HIV/AIDS was the other pandemic that was still around, hence the need to continue fighting its spread alongside the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking For HIV Testing in Zambia? Find HIV Center
October 29 - December 1, 2020 Harare Live/ Virtual World AIDS Day will be commemorated in two ways in Zimbabwe. Firstly there is a pre-WAD event which is the Media Awards Ceremony. Working with the National AIDS Council (NAC), a tracking of journalist who have covered HIV&AIDS issues in 2021 will be conducted. It is on this basis that 3 journalist will have some prizes in the category of gold, silver, and bronze. Dec 1, the main event, will be conducted in the Mashonaland Central Province. AHF will support the National AIDS Council with HIV testing and condom distribution. Looking For HIV Testing in Zimbabwe? Find HIV Center
November 20 & December 1, 2021 Provincial Event Campaing and HIV testing in Cambodia Virtual/ Live Demonstration with HIV testing and education in fighting against HIV and AIDS with key donors and stakeholders. Online HIV education and information for HIV testing and condom use. Looking For HIV Testing in Cambodia? Find HIV Center
November 21 - December 1, 2021 Shangai Virtual AHF China's Partners will have different forms of campaigns and workshops. Our AHF Logo will also be on the Twin Malls building in Shanghai. Looking For HIV Testing in China? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Aizawl, Mizoram Virtual/ Live In collaoration with the Mizoram State AIDS Control Society, there will be an online competition amongst the youth in churches, as well as a testing campaign in the market places an dother youth centres for 45 days. On December 1st, an online interaction session with MSACS, church leaders, youth representative from church, and HIV positive speakers will participate. Looking For HIV Testing in India? Find HIV Center
TBA Jakarta, Indonesia Virtual Webinar series with special guests, as well as a media event Looking For HIV Testing in Indonesia? Find HIV Center
November 26, 2021 The University of Champasak Live AHF Laos, together with the Center of HIV/AIDS and STI and Savannakhet Provincial Health Office and Savannakhet ART hospital, will have free HIV testing and link HIV positives to care, as well as free condom distribution, and HIV/AIDS Q&A. Looking For HIV Testing in Laos? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Yangon Virtual/ Live World AIDS Day 2021 will host a live event and also live streamed on Facebook. Throughout first week of December, outreach teams will go for health education talks and free HIV testing for KAP and general population. Looking For HIV Testing in Myanmar? Find HIV Center
November 29 - December 1, 2021 In Kathmandu and all AHF supported Sites (15)/Districts (13) - (if situation becomes restrictive due to ongoing COVID-19, same activity will be done in safe locations with partners) Live National event in collaboration with National Center for AIDS and STD Control (NCASC), National (NAP+N) and International Partners and Activists in Kathmandu, to provide free condom distribution, HIV screening, media interaction, and edutainment activities at AHF supported ART clinics in 16 districts. Looking For HIV Testing in Nepal? Find HIV Center
November 29 - December 1, 2021 Manila, Cebu City, Mandaluyong, Naga Live This will be a week long event ramping up to the main event on December 1. There will be a series of forums on HIV prevention/combination prevention, testing, treatment and care using online platforms, with guest speakers. Separate forums will also be scheduled focusing on: HCWs, Youth YKAP, KAPs, and IDUs. Looking For HIV Testing in Philippines? Find HIV Center
December 4, 2021 Bangkok-Thailand Live To promote awareness on HIV and the importance of prevention and care. The main activities will include health edutainment, HIV/STIs talk and phone-ins, hosted by one of Thailand's most famous talk show-TV host and famous sex doctor in ‘หงี่ เหลา เป่า ติ้ว’ by Na_Nake555 youtube channel, and other famous influencer(s), TBD. Condoms and lubes distribution to audience. Looking For HIV Testing in Thailand? Find HIV Center
November 29 - 30 & December 1, 20201 Vietnam Live/ Virtual Although AHF Vietnam will not host a WAD event this year, the team will visit people living with HIV at their homes to give some gifts such as bicycles, helmets, blankets, mosquito nets, candy and milk for children living with HIV. Looking For HIV Testing in Vietnam? Find HIV Center
November 22 - December 1, 2021 Ida-Viru County and Narva city Live Exhibition and HIV testing in Narva Astri Shopping Center. For the exibition we plan to use big exibition stand-transformer, with more than 8 building options, where we plan to tell abot WAD, HIV Epidemic in Estonia, and introduce AHF and LC services. Looking For HIV Testing in Estonia? Find HIV Center
November 30- Dec 7, 2021 Tbilisi Virtual The goal of the campaign is to draw public attention to HIV/AIDS as the "Other Pandemic". Considering the circumstances caused by COVID-19, the WAD campaign will run online on social networks. Looking For HIV Testing in Georgia? Find HIV Center
TBA City of Athens TBA TBA Looking For HIV Testing in Greece? Find HIV Center
November 25- Dec 1, 2021 Greece Live We are once again joining forces with LGBT+ organizations in 20 cities in Greece. Starting with Testing Week, we will have mobile Units providing free testing in targeted areas, open to the public but addressing LGBT+ people, MSM, homeless people, refugees/asylum-seekers and sex-workers. On the 1st of December, we will use projectors to light up two major monuments in Athens and Thessaloniki. ß Looking For HIV Testing in Greece? Find HIV Center
December 1 - 3, 2021 Vilnius Live Event for students with a movie screening 'Beats Per Minute' and a discussion afterwards with human rights activits and experts in HIV/AIDS. During the event everyone will be invited to get tested for HIV. Looking For HIV Testing in Lithuania? Find HIV Center
November 27 - December 1, 2021 Amsterdam Live Event at the African Market in the South-East of Amsterdam, with information about the AHF free HIV testing service and give people the opportunity to test in the testing van. There will be an African band playing and we will hand out candy cotton and hot drinks. 1st of December at the conference of Dutch organization "SOA AIDS", the "STI*HIV*SEX conference" in Utrecht. Looking For HIV Testing in Netherlands? Find HIV Center
TBA Lisbon and Almada Live For WAD 2021, GAT intends to develop an HIV awareness and screening activity also targeting the Municipal Councils where it intervenes and where it acts as a community promoter of the Fast Track Cities Initiative. The aim is to put HIV back on the political agendas taking advantage of the outcome of the Fast Track Cities conference that took place recently in Lisbon and the political moment arising from the municipal elections. Looking For HIV Testing in Portugal? Find HIV Center
November 22 - December 1, 2021 Russia Live/ Virtual Different contests online and on the radio with start in Kemerovo, and continue with activities in 5 regions, and mobile testing. Looking For HIV Testing in Russia? Find HIV Center
November 22 - December 3, 2021 London Live Testing and awareness event at Croydon Volunteer Action (CVA) centre, with partner KwaAfrica, for testing and refreshments. On December 2, we will host a testing and awareness event in local shopping centre, with testing at Wellness Centre. Additionally, there will be joint testing sessions with municipality during week of November 22 to 3 December 3 (COVID and HIV testing), as part of European Testing Week and World AIDS Day. Looking For HIV Testing in the UK? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Kyiv Live Informing the public about the statistics of HIV / AIDS spread in Ukraine and informing the Ukrainian population that the AHF conducts free HIV testing and condoms, provides support to HIV-positive people. Looking For HIV Testing in Ukraine? Find HIV Center
TBA Rosario Live/ Virtual AHF Argentina along with its allied organizations, will perform HIV testing and prevention activities at public places in over 30 cities. We will also participate (as active members) in a nation-wide awareness campaign organized by the Argentine chapter of the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate All Forms of HIV-Stigma and Discrimination. In the frame of the HIV testing activities in the city of Rosario (Santa Fe Province), we shall also be participating in an acceptability and applicability evaluation of HIV self-testing organized by the provincial and national HIV-response programs in cooperation with the local Biochemists College. Looking For HIV Testing in Argentina? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Brazil Live/ Virtual Public manifestations will be conducted for World AIDS Day with partners, testing and prevention actions, and a social media campaign. Looking For HIV Testing in Brazil? Find HIV Center
TBA Santiago Live/ Virtual National HIV Testing Day in the main regions of the country. Opening of the exhibition: "Towards a 2030 without AIDS" at the Plaza de Armas metro station. This exhibition addresses the 40-year history of AIDS, the "95-95-95" goals, the combined prevention strategy, and the activities and audiovisual content of AHF CHILE. Podcast launch: "#ParaTodes T2". Podcast that addresses the need for Comprehensive Sex Education with interviews with different specialists in the area of education, health and sexology. Looking For HIV Testing in Chile? Find HIV Center
November 27, 2021 Bogotá, Cúcuta, Bucaramanga, Soacha, Valledupar, Riohacha, Arauca, Tunja, Casanare Live Testing activities and condom distribution will be carried out in 6 cities. On November 27, a WAD commemoration will be held in Riohacha, on the beach with the collaboration of other cooperators from 2pm to 8pm. There will be cultural and sports activities, HIV testing, condom distribution, COVID vaccination and COVID tests. Looking For HIV Testing in Colombia? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Santo Domingo, D.N. Live/ Virtual Demonstrations of the fulfillment of their rights that will occur on Dec 1st in front of the Health Ministry´s offices. Leadng up to World AIDS Day, a virtual campaign of PLHIV testimonials will be released to raise awareness and work against stigma and discrimination. Looking For HIV Testing in Dominican Republic? Find HIV Center
TBA Retalhuleu, San Marcos, Petén, Sayaxché, Coatepeque, Izabal, Mazatenango, Cobán y Ciuda Guatemala Live/ Virtual In 6 different areas, there will be distribution of condoms, testing focused on the LGTBIQ + community, youth, and indigenous and general population. We will also hold a Press Conference, National Forum: 40 Years After; Podcast “HIV the importance that you take your treatment”; Presentation in Congress '' ACCESS TO EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF HIV IN INDIGENOUS POPULATION, FROM A RURAL APPROACH”; recognitions to outstanding people for leadership and commitment on HIV and AIDS Guatemala, and Vigil in honor of those who have died due to AIDS. Looking For HIV Testing in Guatemala? Find HIV Center
TBA Saint Louis Gonzague University - Port au Prince - Haiti Live AHF Haiti will be having a AIDS Health Fair - AIDS awareness and testing event. Will be having different booths which will include: Testing - Condoms - Stigmatization, Friendly Clinic, Sensitization - COVID-19 - STD- Positive Artist will talk about the AIDS Pandemic. We will also have a balloon release ceremony. Looking For HIV Testing in Haiti? Find HIV Center
November 22 - December 4, 2021 Kingston, Jamaica Live In an effort to continue to raise awareness and create an environment for people to know their status in a non-judgemental environment AHF Jamaica will increase its prevention and testing, by the coordinating and implementing a 2 day testing outreach. Facebook Page Looking For HIV Testing in Jamaica? Find HIV Center
TBA Mexico City Live/ Virtual A Gallery named "40 Years of HIV. AIDS the Other Pandemic" will be held on social media and public spaces of Mexico City. Looking For HIV Testing in Mexico? Find HIV Center
TBA Panama City Live/ Virtual AHF Panama will carry out together with Health Ministry, “the burial of a time capsule,” in which the different allies and actors of the national response to HIV will identify the achievements, progress and pending of the fight against HIV / AIDS. This capsule will be sealed, and the place of the burial identified at the Health Ministry, and it can only be opened in 2030 with two keys that will remain in the custody of AHF and the Health Ministry. After this symbolic event, we will perform Tests in a busy plaza in Panama City, together with other partners. Looking For HIV Testing in Panama? Find HIV Center
TBA Lima, Lambayeque, Piura, Trujillo, Loreto, Pucallpa, Cusco, Arequipa, Ica, Tacna Live Public institutions will be illuminated in red in coordination with government authorities. Promotion of the campaign of "AIDS the Other Pandemic" as an advocacy action for other organizations to adopt as a slogan. They will promote new treatment services and there will be scientific conferences on the HIV vaccine. Looking For HIV Testing in Peru? Find HIV Center
December 1, 2021 Los Angeles Live Join AIDS Healthcare Foundation for a free concert event, “The LA Revival” to commemorate World AIDS Day. The event takes place on December 1st at The Forum, featuring special music guests Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Hudson. Hosted by entertainer Randy Rainbow, get prepared for a night of celebration to honor those who continue the fight against HIV/AIDS. Find tickets to the concert on ticketmater. Events Website

AHF started as a community-based hospice in Los Angeles in 1987 to care for the sick and dying and grew to become the world’s largest AIDS organization providing over 1.6 million people with care and treatment in over 45 countries. Watch our “Keeping the Promise” documentary narrated by Academy Award-winner Meryl Streep and experience AHF’s journey to become the largest provider of HIV/AIDS care worldwide.
AHF started as a community-based hospice in Los Angeles in 1987 to care for the sick and dying and grew to become the world’s largest AIDS organization providing over 1.6 million people with care and treatment in over 45 countries. Watch our “Keeping the Promise” documentary narrated by Academy Award-winner Meryl Streep and experience AHF’s journey to become the largest provider of HIV/AIDS care worldwide.

AHF’s Fund the Fund campaign is an advocacy initiative to mobilize civil society by calling on major world economies to ensure the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is fully funded. It specifically focuses on wealthy countries like China—which has the world’s second largest economy yet does not contribute its fair share to the Fund. Learn more by watching this short video!
AHF’s Fund the Fund campaign is an advocacy initiative to mobilize civil society by calling on major world economies to ensure the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is fully funded. It specifically focuses on wealthy countries like China—which has the world’s second largest economy yet does not contribute its fair share to the Fund. Learn more by watching this short video!

As a leading sexual health organization, we believe condoms must be readily available and affordable for everyone who needs them, since they remain the most cost-effective form of prevention for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
With our creative events and electrifying advertising campaigns, we strive to promote the idea that condoms are an expression of a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about AHF-branded LOVE and ICON condoms by visiting lovecondoms.org.
As a leading sexual health organization, we believe condoms must be readily available and affordable for everyone who needs them, since they remain the most cost-effective form of prevention for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. With our creative events and electrifying advertising campaigns, we strive to promote the idea that condoms are an expression of a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about AHF-branded LOVE and ICON condoms by visiting lovecondoms.org.

While HIV/AIDS will always be AHF’s top priority – the COVID-19 vaccine disparity between rich and poor nations is immoral, unfair, and most importantly, deadly – for the billions that still have no access to lifesaving vaccines. AHF’s Vaccinate Our World call-to-action continues to push G20 leaders and vaccine makers to do the right thing and ensure that all countries have equal access to vaccines. Visit VaccinateOurWorld.org to learn more.
While HIV/AIDS will always be AHF’s top priority – the COVID-19 vaccine disparity between rich and poor nations is immoral, unfair, and most importantly, deadly – for the billions that still have no access to lifesaving vaccines. AHF’s Vaccinate Our World call-to-action continues to push G20 leaders and vaccine makers to do the right thing and ensure that all countries have equal access to vaccines. Visit VaccinateOurWorld.org to learn more.

To help young women thrive, AHF launched its Girls Act campaign in Africa in 2016 and focused on two main objectives: Scale-up HIV/AIDS prevention services to curb new infections; and ensure that HIV positive young people have access to treatment, retention and support services. Since young women and girls 10-24 years old are twice as likely to acquire HIV as young men the same age, the successful initiative has been expanded to many other countries where AHF works.
AHF invites you to view “Girls Act!”—a heartwarming documentary about how five young women are winning their battles against HIV and leading healthy, productive lives thanks to the knowledge and self-confidence gained through their hard work, perseverance and the Girls Act program.
To help young women thrive, AHF launched its Girls Act campaign in Africa in 2016 and focused on two main objectives: Scale-up HIV/AIDS prevention services to curb new infections; and ensure that HIV positive young people have access to treatment, retention and support services. Since young women and girls 10-24 years old are twice as likely to acquire HIV as young men the same age, the successful initiative has been expanded to many other countries where AHF works.
AHF invites you to view “Girls Act!”—a heartwarming documentary about how five young women are winning their battles against HIV and leading healthy, productive lives thanks to the knowledge and self-confidence gained through their hard work, perseverance and the Girls Act program.

Since 2015, AHF has advocated for the World Bank to change the way middle-income countries (MICs) are classified, which is used to determine what countries get donor assistance and how much is given.
Due to this classification system, countries where individuals can earn as little as $2.84 per day—or about as much as a cup of coffee—are often labeled as “middle-income” and deprived of aid for vital healthcare programs and lifesaving medicines. To learn more, visit raisethemic.org.
Watch this two-minute video to learn more!
Since 2015, AHF has advocated for the World Bank to change the way middle-income countries (MICs) are classified, which is used to determine what countries get donor assistance and how much is given.
Due to this classification system, countries where individuals can earn as little as $2.84 per day—or about as much as a cup of coffee—are often labeled as “middle-income” and deprived of aid for vital healthcare programs and lifesaving medicines. To learn more, visit raisethemic.org.
Watch this two-minute video to learn more!

Narrated by Oscar-winning actor J.K. Simmons, AHF’s feature-length documentary, “DRUG$: The Price We Pay” shows how a corrupt system of corporate greed and faulty legislation allows pharmaceuticals to be the most lucrative industry in the world—from profits earned off the sick and dying.
Unless the pharmaceutical industry undergoes radical reform, “DRUG$” shows us how the entire healthcare system will inevitably collapse, leaving society overburdened and without access to quality medicine. Watch it for free at drugsthefilm.com or stream it on Amazon Prime today!
Narrated by Oscar-winning actor J.K. Simmons, AHF’s feature-length documentary, “DRUG$: The Price We Pay” shows how a corrupt system of corporate greed and faulty legislation allows pharmaceuticals to be the most lucrative industry in the world—from profits earned off the sick and dying.
Unless the pharmaceutical industry undergoes radical reform, “DRUG$” shows us how the entire healthcare system will inevitably collapse, leaving society overburdened and without access to quality medicine. Watch it for free at drugsthefilm.com or stream it on Amazon Prime today!

This current COVID-19 crisis – along with other outbreaks such as Ebola, SARS, Zika and HIV/AIDS – has made it clear that we are out of options. The world is in survival mode, and the time has come to redefine fundamental assumptions about multilateralism, international cooperation on public health, and most importantly—the need for a new Global Public Health Convention.
We invite you to learn more by reading the publication of a peer-reviewed research article titled “A Global Public Health Convention for the 21st Century” in the prestigious Lancet Public Health journal. The paper presents 10 recommendations aimed at transforming the global health system so that it can become more transparent, accountable, and cooperative when responding to international health emergencies like COVID-19.
This current COVID-19 crisis – along with other outbreaks such as Ebola, SARS, Zika and HIV/AIDS – has made it clear that we are out of options. The world is in survival mode, and the time has come to redefine fundamental assumptions about multilateralism, international cooperation on public health, and most importantly—the need for a new Global Public Health Convention.
We invite you to learn more by reading the publication of a peer-reviewed research article titled “A Global Public Health Convention for the 21st Century” in the prestigious Lancet Public Health journal. The paper presents 10 recommendations aimed at transforming the global health system so that it can become more transparent, accountable, and cooperative when responding to international health emergencies like COVID-19.
On World AIDS Day 2021, AHF Urges Everyone to Keep Fighting “The Other Pandemic.”
While COVID-19 has devastated communities worldwide and remained in the spotlight, the world must keep fighting to protect the precious gains made against HIV/AIDS—a more than 30-year pandemic and a continuing a global public health crisis.
Read the full press release here

World AIDS Day 2022
Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight
Get FREE tickets to AHF’s World AIDS Day concert at the Kennedy Center
Every year, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) commemorates World AIDS Day with impactful community events around the world. Check back here for more information on World AIDS Day events in 2024.

From rallies around the world to concerts, marches, and candlelight vigils across the United States, we make it our mission to raise awareness every December 1st. In partnership with artists like Janet Jackson, Jennifer Lawerence, Christina Aguilera, and Billy Porter, these events have worked to bring attention to the continued global fight against HIV and AIDS, and we aren’t stopping anytime soon.
AHF has built a global community that refuses to stay silent. HIV and AIDS have left their mark on millions around the world, and the fight is far from over. Our World AIDS Day events serve as a reminder to the global community that we must continue our efforts in prevention, treatment, and advocacy until we achieve a world where HIV and AIDS are no longer a threat to individuals and communities around the globe. If we stand together, we can make a difference. Get involved to help us raise awareness and make a real impact in this fight.

Along with Jackson, award-winning choreographer, director, and producer Debbie Allen will speak at the event. AHF will also be presenting its Lifetime Achievement Award to Emmy Award-winning actor and activist Blair Underwood.
39 million people globally were living with HIV in 2022.
14% of all people living with HIV did not know their HIV status in 2022.
1.3 million people were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2022.
9.2 million people living with HIV did not have access to antiretroviral treatment in 2022.
AHF keeps fighting, and we invite you to help shed light on HIV/AIDS to raise our collective voices against this disease.
Locations Holding World AIDS Day Events

Countries around the world commemorate World AIDS Day to raise awareness of the pandemic that’s plagued the world for over 40 years.

AHF keeps fighting, and we invite you to help shed light on HIV/AIDS to raise our collective voices against this disease.

Countries around the world commemorate World AIDS Day to raise awareness of the pandemic that’s plagued the world for over 40 years.

AHF keeps fighting, and we invite you to help shed light on HIV/AIDS to raise our collective voices against this disease.
It's Not Over
Your presence brings attention to the facts
It's Not Over
- 38.4 million people globally are living with HIV as of 2021.
- 5.9 million people did not know that they were living with HIV in 2021.
- 1.5 million people were newly diagnosed in 2021.
- 25 % of people living with HIV are not accessing treatment.
Your presence brings attention to the facts
Join Us November 30th
Get FREE tickets to AHF’s World AIDS Day concert at the Kennedy Center
Join Us November 30th @ The Kennedy Center
Get FREE tickets to AHF’s World AIDS Day concert at the Kennedy Center